Breakfast in the campervan is a ritual. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling pancakes fills the air, promising a perfect start to the day. Or at least, that was the plan. One sunny morning in the Highlands, I decided to showcase my pancake-flipping prowess. With the batter perfectly mixed and the frying pan hot, I poured the first pancake and waited for that golden-brown hue.
“This is going to be Instagram-worthy,” I said, confidently gripping the spatula. My partner raised an eyebrow, clearly sceptical.
The pancake was ready. With a dramatic flair, I attempted the flip—only to send the pancake soaring straight into the campervan ceiling. It stuck there for a moment, as if defying gravity, before peeling off and landing squarely on the dog’s head. Our golden retriever looked as confused as we were, but quickly decided he had lucked out and began devouring the fallen pancake.
Laughter erupted, and I couldn’t help but join in despite my failed attempt. Undeterred, I tried again. The second pancake didn’t hit the ceiling, but it did end up half-folded and slightly charred. By the time we got to the fourth pancake, I had finally found my groove, and we enjoyed a stack of semi-perfect pancakes with maple syrup and berries.
The Spartan campervans kitchenette made clean-up a breeze, and the morning’s mishaps became the highlight of our day. Even now, every time I make pancakes, my partner teases me with an exaggerated re-enactment of the “pancake launch.”
It’s moments like these that make campervan adventures unforgettable. Imperfections turn into stories, and laughter becomes the best seasoning for any meal.